TCID: Cincinnati

January 12, 2024


Dr. Roland Ziegler, Lutheran Panelist
Dr. Alan Mostrom, Catholic Panelist
Pastor Tim Scott, Baptist Panelist

Nathan Smith, Featured Speaker

Question 01

On Justifying Righteousness

Does the term “Justification” denote a legal declaration that one is righteous in the eyes of God, or the process by which one is truly made righteous? If the former, what must precede the pronouncement that one is justified? Can man respond freely to God’s offer of salvation, or is it essential that spiritual life first be imparted to him (regeneration)? If justification signifies one’s translation to a state of grace, is remission of sins and sanctification granted entirely by the infusion of sanctifying grace, or must humans cooperate with God in this process? Considering that all traditions here present assent to some form of divine declaration in the working of justification, by what righteousness is one pronounced just before his Creator? Is it a righteousness that is inherent to the one justified, or apart, being therefore imputed to him as though it is inherently his own? Finally, whether it be imputed or inherent, is that righteousness which justifies whole and complete? If so, can one enjoy perfect righteousness and yet increase in holiness?

Guided Conversation

Justification and:
* Good Works
* Faith
* Grace
* The Cross