March 13, 2021


Pastor Jim Orrick, Baptist Panelist

Pastor Joseph Spurgeon, Presbyterian Panelist

Pastor Jonathan Adams, Speaker

Question 01

How is one made righteous before the eyes of a perfectly just Creator? Does justification arise partially—or even entirely—from the flourishing of a quality that we inherently possess, or is God its sole author? Does faith have a role to play? If so, is it purely the imputation thereof upon the individual that justifies him, or is it something else, something greater than the simple act of believing that assumes responsibility?

Question 02

By whose appointment was the Christian sacrament of baptism instituted and what does it signify to and communicate about the individual whom receives it? Should baptism be administered only to those who indeed profess repentance towards God, faith in and obedience to our Lord Jesus Christ, or may infants belonging to one or more regenerate parents also rightly receive this holy ordinance? How might one view baptism in light of the covenant of grace and can parallels be drawn from it to that of the Old Testament rite of circumcision? Is baptism paramount unto salvation and the genuine conversion of an individual into the flock of Christ or is it simply a visible symbol and manifestation of an inward transformation? How is the outward element of water appropriately utilized when conducting this ordinance? Must one be immersed to be authentically baptized?