
The Church in Dialogue

Ecumenism Without Compromise

TCID is a series of panel discussions and joint worship services between all orthodox Christian denominations that hold to the authority of Scripture and adhere to the fundamental tenets of the historic Christian faith.

“To what end does this event series seek to accomplish?”

Firstly, It is my desire for “the Church in Dialogue” to contribute to the individual and collective theological literacy of all those who are in attendance. I firmly believe that by pulling back the veil of theological intricacies–especially those that are less than frequently expounded upon behind the pulpit– and discussing them, we are effectively improving our understanding of and adoration for that very denominational tradition in which we claim to be a part of. Furthermore, because this is an event that includes the participation of multiple Christian denominations, we participants and observers are additionally working towards an improved awareness of the beliefs of those who are near to us, either geographically or perhaps in a manner of friendship or family. Why is it that I attend a Baptist church while some of my dearest friends attend perhaps Catholic, Methodist, or Lutheran churches? By the end of the night, I hope that we will be able to begin to answer such an inquiry. Truly, I feel that If we make an effort to familiarize ourselves with the thoughts, creeds, and practices of others, we will find more common ground and grow in compassion towards one another.

Secondly, it is my prayer that this event would capitalize on those aforementioned learned commonalities in such a manner so that we may, if even for a moment, come together as a unified body. May we be one; even as the Father is in Christ and Christ in us, that we may also be in the triune God, so that the world may believe that the Father sent Christ into the world to save us from sin and death. Tonight we will indeed learn about our differences, but also those aspects of the faith that knit us together. I request that this evening we would focus on the unifying tenets, the mere orthodox Christianity that is the pillar and cornerstone from which the various branches extend out and bear fruit. At the very heart of things, a Christian has no sect, for he has only a single knowledge and that is Christ in him. He puts all his knowing and willing into the life of Christ and prays to the Almighty that God would help him to delight more in what he receives from Christ. It must be said, however, that I am not insisting that the depths of Christian wisdom and theological content are without profound necessity. Far from it, what I am pleading is that we would not hoist those less-than crucial philosophical and theological complexities over the blood of Christ, making them idols and placing them in front of the heart of the gospel. May we determine to know nothing amongst ourselves except Jesus Christ and Him crucified? In addition, I would like to make yet another disclaimer. The intention behind this event, is not to proclaim that all beliefs and biblical conclusions regarding the nature of man, God, and creation are all correct or are on equal-footing with one another. Instead, I would like to affirm that there is but a single ultimate truth and although we may view reality in differing manners, us orthodox Christians are in pursuit of that ultimate truth nonetheless and we should acknowledge that pursuit amongst our Christian brethren.

Finally, I would like to bring to light the ultimate reason for our gathering here tonight: to worship and glorify the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit with our whole and absolute being, for there is no comfort in anything apart from enjoying Him. He is the author and finisher of our faith and the whole work of redemption is His alone.

– Jordan Bennett, Event Director

Ecumenism without compromise.


A series of joint worship services and panel discussions on theological matters of common Christian conviction and respectful brotherly disagreement.